2020 Robots to the Rescue
We designed cUrry for the 2020 PTC Robots to the Rescue challenge. The goal of the competition was to design a robot that would be able to solve a problem that the world was facing. cUrry was designed to facilitate remote communications with patients in quarantine. With cUrry, our mobile communication platform, connections can be made between patients, physicians and family members by utilizing virtual calling. This can be done if everyone has access to an electronic device, but many do not, and many more are unable to use them while in the hospital. Patients can use cUrry to call their families and friends without having to interact with other people and potentially spreading diseases, even if they don’t normally have access to a device. cUrry brings communication to the patient.

cUrry is equipped with an onboard touchscreen and monitor connected to a Raspberry Pi 4b. The robot uses a battery, but is designed to be able to use photovoltaic cells to charge the battery using sunlight outdoors, or possibly indoors if it becomes feasible to do so. The robot is also equipped with safety features such as two emergency stop buttons and LiDAR sensors for obstacle detection.
We designed cUrry completely in Onshape. It was our introduction to using CAD. Onshape is a CAD website that can be used to allow multiple people to work together on the same project. Most of the designs in Onshape, for instance the designs for Robots to the Rescue, are freely available for anyone to see and use. We used many parts that were already available in Onshape, but we also designed some of the pieces that we used. We used the 2020 Everybot created by team 118, the Robonauts, to start with, and we got most of our parts from the MKCad library. We finished 87th in the competition out of 151 robots. We were the only FRC team in Missouri to participate.